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River Birth Story

Writer's picture: Brittney ReeveBrittney Reeve

Join doula Brittney as she tells the birth story her of second child, River!

I woke up around 5am on April 10th with contractions.

Would today be the day?

I slept off an on till around 7am then I woke husband.

Together we woke up Autumn and made sure the hospital bag was packed.

After snuggling for a bit we got her ready for church and sent her with Grandma.

At 7:30 I texted my Doula. "Contractions are getting stronger but I can talk through them still."

I got out my yoga ball and did some bouncing and rocking of my hips while laughing and talking with husband.

This was so much different!

Doula Brittney holding baby River in the nursery

8:50am texted my Doula again. "Contractions are 4-5 minutes apart. Can you come over and bring some Biggby?"

Husband said the contractions must be getting worse, "You get real quiet now."

As my Doula arrived I bent over my yoga ball and breathed through a contraction.

It took 5 contractions to finish my bagel!

My Doula suggested it was time to head to the hospital.

Husband helped me to the car. We had to stop for 2 contractions.

This was so much different!

After a very uncomfortable car ride where I swear husband hit every possible bump and red light...

The hospital admitted me and did a cervical check at 11am.

-2 Station, 95% Effaced, and 6 Centimeters!

That means baby should be here within a couple hours! Right?

After my initial monitoring time I got up and walked the halls. Husband danced with me for the first time and probably last till the next labor.

As I grew more uncomfortable my Doula suggested a bath.


They even had a waterproof pillow so I could lean back comfortably.

Doula suggested husband pour water over my uterus as I had contractions.

1pm I began craving Taco Bell.

Dad saved the day and dropped some off.

More walking.

More slow dancing.

More yoga ball rolls.

Was this baby actually going to come today?

Doula suggested an abdominal lift and tuck.


Please stop...


Oh gosh.

Drugs please?

Nitrous Oxide to the rescue!

Baby River in a hospital swaddle

5:30pm "I need to push nowwwww!"

I climbed up on the bed and I felt a burst and wet.

I guess that's what it feels like for your water to break.

Husband frantically pushes the call button, Doula goes into the hall to flag someone down.

I rolled over to my back and looked up at husband, this is it.

Nurses and midwife rushed in.

"I see the head!"

I pushed for about 10-15 minutes.

I knew how to this time!

5:54pm River Grace made her grand entrance.

She was very purple.

She didn't cry.

What was wrong?

They pulled her up to my chest.

I forgot how small newborns were!

But why was she still purple?

A nurse came and picked her up.

They said she needed help breathing.


I didn't hear anything for an hour.

They finally put me in a wheelchair to go see her.

"She needed oxygen for about 30 minutes, but she's been holding her own since then. We'll keep everything in place in case she needs more help."

Length: 19 and 3/4 inches

Weight: 7 pounds and 15 ounces

Head Circumference: 13.5 inches

After a few minutes they took her out of the warmer and handed her over.


I was able to latch her right on to nurse.

That night I sent her to the nursery so I could get a good nights sleep.

Baby River in a gray long pant onesie

I had a toddler waiting at home for me.

The next morning the respiratory therapist had cleared her and I was cleared as well.

"We're going to keep you another night just in case."

Please let me go home...

This is my second baby.

I have a toddler waiting at home for me.

"I'll see what I can do."

Husband came in and changed the first diaper.

Just like last time.

Around 2pm they finally released us.

We stopped for DQ on the way home.

I walked into the house first holding ice cream and french fries.

Husband trailed in after me carrying the carseat.

Autumn runs in saying Mommy!

Then proceeds to run right past me and the ice cream and the french fries to see her sister.

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